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 Diplomat Undersiege CQB tournament Baguio City

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mr suave

mr suave

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Diplomat Undersiege CQB tournament Baguio City Empty
PostSubject: Diplomat Undersiege CQB tournament Baguio City   Diplomat Undersiege CQB tournament Baguio City Icon_minitimeTue Oct 06, 2009 6:23 am


Diplomat Undersiege CQB tournament Baguio City Finalfinal-1

Rules and Regulations:

I. Team composition: 12 man team
: 16 teams only

II. REGISTRATION FEE: 7,200.00/ 600.00 per combatant

: inclusive of 2 meals (lunch) and 3 bags (4,000/bag) of BB’s per team from BB KING(our official BBs to be used)

Ø We require a NON REFUNDABLE Php 4,000.00 payment to secure a slot , we will not entertain on-site registration

Ø Please make your deposit before October 27, 2009

Ø Bank Account details: Suzzane E. Diño

BDO account number: 1830170587

****kindly text your name and team name for reference after deposit is made thru: 09209207310- doddie diño

****Please secure your deposit slip and present it on November 7, 2009 upon registration.

III. Objectives:

1ST Objective: eliminate all !!!! 10 pts/combatant

2nd Objective: secure the yellow/blue flag 50 pts

: secure the red flag 50 pts

3rd Objective: eliminate the opfors 20 pts/opfor

4th Objective: activate the bomb 140 pts

Total Perfect Score= 500 pts

IV. Game Mechanics

A. FLOOR PLAN: c/o sir tata

B. MECAHNICS: c/o sir tata

C. Game over when:

1) 12minutes lapses

2) bomb is activated

NOTE: bomb should be properly activated before time lapses even though all combatants from the opposing team are eliminated, remember there are still 2 opfors securing the bomb.

V. Game schedule:

1. elimination round, quarter finals, semi finals and championship

2. elimination: assured of 4 games per team

3. Quarter finals: top 2 teams per group based on total points gained after 4 games.

- 8 teams shall draw lots to determine their respective opponents.

- knock out system

4. semi finals: last 4 teams

- knock out system

5. Battle for 2nd and 3rd runner up

6. Championship

Note: in case of tie: win over the other will take effect during the elimination.

In case of tie: re-set of game in the quarter finals, semi finals, battle for 2nd / 3rd and championship.


1. 450 fps maximum at 0.2grams polished BB KING BBs

2. Chrono will always be done before insertion.

If in any case, surpass the fps limit, the combatant is given 1 minute to change his/her weapon to avoid delays.(so please check your fps before staging.)

3. Team leaders can request to head/lead marshal if he is in doubt of opponent’s fps after each game.

4. We will be using our own BB’s and magazines.

VII. Weapons

1. AEG, Gas Blowback and gas guns- both rifle and hand guns are allowed with in 450 fps limit

2. 1 long and 2 hand guns are allowed

3. 3 hand guns are allowed without 1 long rifle.

4. Guns with pointed tip are not allowed.

5. a combatant can leave the weapon on the spot where he/she was hit

VIII. Ammunition:

1. AK hi cap mag 2 mags

2. M4 standard 4 mags

3. M4 hi cap like CA 3 mags

4. G36/fal 2 mags

5. MP5 standard 6 mags

6. P90 standard 4 mags

7. SIG 5 mags

> no box mag of any sort

>no motorized mags of any sort

>no container- to- magazine reload


1. YELLOW CARD (minus 20 pts from total team score, considered HIT!)

A. talking to marshals when in play

B. blind firing (sungkit)- shooting above the eye level

-Shooting when the gun is away from his body

C. members of the team talking to head marshals and he/she is not the team leader

D. HIT calling

E. coaching/ deadman- talking

F. removing eye protective gear during play and inside the kill room assigned

G. not raising his weapon when called HIT by the marshals and in the event of going to the kill room assigned

H. HIT players sharing their weapons to an active team mate

I. firing beyond the battle area.pls read mechanics of the game as stated earlier

J. accidentally hitting a marshall

2. RED CARD- (minus 50 pts from total team score, considered HIT)

A. deliberate over kill/fragrant/dangerous acts of playing style

B. failure to comply with the marshal’s call

C. thrash talking to marshals and to opponents team member’s

D. intentionally firing outside the building

E. going out of the building when the game is still in play.

F. Lost playing card- this will be given before insertion.

G. false start by the team

H. failure to report in the staging area within 3 minutes when the team is called

I. game fixing for both teams- under the discrimination of head marshals and marshals

J. Intentionally hitting a marshal- always check your fire

3. BLACK CARD – ( minus 100pts from total team score and the combatant/s will be ejected for the rest of the event without alternate)

A. any combatant that is found disrespectful to marshals and members of the game committee

B. Repeatedly and intentionally destroying some parts of the facility and surroundings.

C. after a game during a spot chrono and weapon/s exceeded the 450 fps limit

D. Combatant is found under the influence of prohibited drugs, and alcohol( even with hung over)

E. starting a fight/insulting with other players

F. repeated contest to an already decided grievance

G. bringing in of deadly weapons

H. game fixing for both teams- under the discrimination of head marshals and marshals

X. Staging:

1. game starts at exactly 9AM of Nov. 7, 2009

2. time schedule/table will be strictly followed

3. schedule of games will be given each team after draw lots

4. Rule of Succession- if team a and b finished the game in less than 12 minutes team c and d will start their game immediately after all operators of team a and b left the playing area.

5. the teams are advised to prepare 3 games in advance before their insertion

6. remember that we will always conduct chrono during staging so always be on alert.

XI. Basic don’ts of airsoft

1. no mask/goggles no play

2. no short pants and white t-shirts/long sleeves allowed, be in your full protective battle gears, very close encounter is expected

3. no radio communication of any kind including cell phones

4. no smoke/flash bangs allowed

5. no M203 shell allowed, fired manually or from AEG

6. no ricochets and no gun hit

XII. Reminders:

1. Only BB KING BB’s 0.2g should be used. BB king bb’s will be sold at a very low prize if your initial supply of 3 bags is low.


3. Only team leaders are allowed to contest/complain from the grievance committee after each game, afterwards, it’s not anymore valid.

4. Only team leaders are allowed to discuss with the committee regarding points, infraction/s and request/s to avoid delays.

5. Opposing teams must engage. No game fixing.

6.There will be an on-site breakfast briefing and draw lots to all team leaders at 6:30 to 6:45 am on Nov. 7, 2009 with the head marshals


***floor plan and game mechanics will follow within this week....

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